Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The New President Faces Challenges At The Department Of...

The Life of an Executive Order The new president faces significant challenges at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Rectifying these short comings is important if the U.S. is to remain secure and prosperous. On January 27th, 2017, president Trump signed an executive order dealing with immigration. The order took effect immediately and sparked anger and confusion across the nation. Dozens of international travelers were detained at airports across the country. Most of those detained were simply caught up in a government communication limbo. The order placed a temporary moratorium on immigration from seven countries Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. The people who elected Donald Trump president say the furor†¦show more content†¦The order had been reviewed by the Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) before it was issued. The OLC, whose authority addresses the form and whether the order is properly drafted, approved the order. Yates objected to the president’s executive order. Yates declared that as long as she was acting attorney general, the Department of Justice would not present arguments in defense of the executive order until she became convinced that it was appropriate to do so. Clearly, since Yates did not issue this statement on the grounds that the order was illegal, she based her decision on her disagreement with the justice of the order. Consequently, Yates was fired. This action fortified the legal battle we are debating today. Timeline of Trumps Order and the Court Filings Sunday, Jan. 29 Federal lawsuits were filed in New York, Massachusetts, Virginia and Washington on behalf of travelers who were detained in airports in the United States. Later Sunday evening, the White House said that legal permanent residents are exempt from the travel restrictions in the new executive order, referring to green card holders. Monday, Jan. 30 Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court in Seattle citing examples of residents impacted by the ban. The lawsuit included a separate emergency motion for a nationwide, temporary restraining order that would bar the enforcement of parts ofShow MoreRelatedThe Department Of Homeland Security1176 Words   |  5 Pagescontinues to evolve in order to meet present and future challenges. The organization defines its current mission and goals while using current intelligence to forecast future threats. The DHS has identified areas in need of improvement in order to prepare for future threats. Citizens criticize policies in national security as infringing on civil liberties, and an ongoing debate ensues over the sacrifice of civil liberties in the name of national security. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Personal Ethics Statement - 680 Words

Associate Level Material Appendix I Critical Thinking Worksheet Chose one of the following scenarios: You are a member of a group working on a class project. The group members are enthusiastic about the project and arrange a meeting time to begin planning. You forget to mark your calendar and miss the meeting. The group posts a summary of the meeting with assignments and deadlines for the project. You apologize to the group and agree to complete the topic research for the project. You realize you have a paper due in another course on the same day your research is due and concentrate most of your time on your individual assignment. The paper takes longer than you thought, and you are unable to conduct research for the group†¦show more content†¦I am an honest person who does not like to fall short of my responsibilities and I should go to the group and make up for it. I need to manage time better and focus on things that I have to do for school before I think of my social life. What process did you follow to come to your conclusion? One process is to manage time better. By being able to manage my time, I can accomplish my assignments in a timely manner before any deadlines. There are many events that go on each day, work, school, and other personal duties, and each takes their time. Everything in this scenario comes down to time management, personal responsibility and integrity. In this scenario, I failed my group and myself by making excuses for why I was unable to do my part. I should have taken my personal time, found other resources and completed my part of this assignment so I was not taking credit for the work of others. How do you think your biases and emotions influenced your choices? * * My emotions affected my choices as I don’t like to think of myself as the one to take credit for the work of others or to let others down. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd Free Essays

string(124) " Abul Qasem Director Osman Kaiser Chowdhury Director Abu Bakar Siddiqur Rahman Director Advocate Ahsanul Karim Director Dr\." BEXIMCO PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY LTD Here is the management report, which you asked me to prepare.. In the process of formulating this project report I selected a PHARMACEUTICAL company,â€Å"BEXIMCO PHARMACEUTICALS† which produces world class live saving medicines in our country. We will write a custom essay sample on Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd or any similar topic only for you Order Now I gained knowledge about managing the product the structure from online articles and reports. Along with it, I employed the management concepts developed throughout the course to construct an effective management project to demonstrate the mentioned firm’s entire management strategies in Bangladesh. This plan is formulated with the idea of managing the all managerial activities of a large firm like BEXIMCO PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED. A special note of acknowledgement is to our course instructor Mr Shahid Hossain for letting me do this project on Beximco Pharmaceuticals . He was very generous and productive toward mewhile conducting the course and he was the person who has guided methroughout preparing the report. The way he taught was really interesting and effective. All of these activities have been conducted within a very short time and we think it became possible only for  his dynamism. Taking the course with him was a great fortune for me. Finally, I would like to thank myr family and friends whose support I needed to complete my project. TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS PAGE NO Mission Statement 1 Executive Summary 2-3 Organogram 4 Organizational Chart 5 Situation Analysis 6-16 Swot Analysis 17-20 Matrix of Swot Analysis 21 Objectives 22 Management Issues 23 Conclusion 24 Appendix 25 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Company Website : http://www. beximcopharmaceuticals. com 2. Books : Kotler Philip (2010), Principles of Marketing (12th edition). Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA. * Kritner Robert (2009). Management (11th edition). Houghton Mifflin Harcount Publishing Company. (Boston – New York). * H. Donelly (2008), Fundamental Management (10th edition). Mcgraw, Hill Irwin * William J. Nickels (2009) Understanding Business (9th edition) Mcgraw, Hill Irwin. 3. Newspaper * The Ittefaq * The Independent. * Finanacial Express 4. Personal Interview Mr. Hashem Awal Chowdhury, Senior Executive Officer,Planning 5. ANNUAL REPORT OF BPL 2011 Ltd, BPL Annual Report 2011 6. Advertisement Shantinagar billboard DOHS, Mohakhali billboard 7. Magazines Indian Times Ma gazine MISSION STATEMENT Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd (BPL) is a leading manufacturer of pharmaceutical formulations and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) in Bangladesh. With decades of contract manufacturing experience with global MNCs, skilled manpower and proven formulation capabilities, the company has been building a visible and growing presence across the continents offering high quality generics at the most affordable cost. The company is committed to enhancing human health and well- being by providing contemporary and affordable medicines, manufactured in full compliance with global standards. The company continually strive to improve their core capabilities Strengthening research and development capabilities, creating partnerships and building presence across the globe. To address the unmet medical needs of patients and to deliver outstanding results for our shareholders. Our vision is to be one of the most trusted, admired and successful pharmaceutical companies in the region with a focus on. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. belongs to Beximco Group, the largest private sector business conglomerate in Bangladesh. It was incorporated in the late 70s, Beximco Pharma began as a distributor, importing products from global MNCs like Bayer, Germany and Upjohn Inc. , USA and selling them in the local market, which were later manufactured and distributed under licensing arrangements. The Company introduced its own branded generic products in 1983. Since then, the journey continued, and today, Beximco Pharma is a leading manufacturer and exporter of pharmaceuticals in the country, winning National Export Trophy (Gold), a record four times. Beximco Pharma’s manufacturing facilities have been accredited by major Global regulatory bodies and it has expanded its geographic footprint across four continents. Having a broad portfolio of more than 500 products and a dedicated team of around 2,700 employees, Beximco Pharma is committed to provide access to medicines which are affordable and manufactured in strict compliance with global standards. During the year 2011 we have successfully registered 48 products in overseas markets. In 2011, we introduced 40 new generics in 55 presentations, five of which were launched for the first time in Bangladesh. The 55 new products include the sectors given below: * Analgesic * Anti-effective * Cardiovascular * CNS * Endocrine Met Disorders * GI System * IV Fluid * Muscular Skeletal * Ophthalmic * Respiratory * Skin * Vitamins and Minerals * Others We maintained our record of uninterrupted growth, achieving a 21. 6% increase in sales to Tk. 7,890. 24 million (2010: Tk. 6,490. 85 million). In 2011 we significantly enhanced our prescription share in sales of the formulation products and maintained, as expected, growth in all our key therapeutic segments. Sales of our Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) also recorded a significant 37. % growth to reach Tk. 486. 91 million (2010: Tk. 355. 24 million). However, its impact on the overall profitability of the company is currently low because of a low gross margin predominantly due to the high cost of import of intermediate materials to manufacture these APIs. In 2011 export sales grew by 18. 1% to Tk. 390. 32 million (2010: Tk. 330. 54 million). Along with sales growth, Beximco Pharma also achieved a marked growth in profit in 2011. Our pre-tax profit increased 23. 2% to Tk. 1,677. 85 million (2010: Tk. 1,361. 53 million). Gross margin as percentage of sales however, slightly declined to 48% as against 48. 9% for the prior period. As the company continue to evolve into a stronger company, their strategy for growth is to build a strong and diverse product portfolio; to expand our geographic reach; and to develop and leverage our generic drug capabilities. All these will drive them to build a future for our employees, to create value for shareholders and to focus on the reason for being in this business – to enhance the health and wellbeing of people. They are confident that their Company will continue to deliver strong financial results and achieve sustained growth in the coming days. Organogram Organisational Chart * Member’s name| * Designation| BOARD of DIRECTORS| | A S F Rahman| Chairman| Salman F Rahman | Vice Chairman| Nazmul Hassan MP| MD| Iqbal Ahmed| Director| Md. Abul Qasem| Director| Osman Kaiser Chowdhury| Director| A B Siddiqur Rahman| Director| Ad. Ahsanul Karim| Director| Dr. Abdul Alam Khan| Independent Director| | | Management Committee| | Nazmul Hassan MP| MD| Osman Kaiser Chowdhury| Director| Rabbur Reza| Chief Operating officer| Ali Newaz| Chief financial officer| Afsar uddin Ahmed| Director, commercial| Lutfur Rahman| Director, manufacturing| Zakaria Seraj Chowdhury| Director, international marketing| A R M Zahidur Rahman| Executive Director, production| Shamim Momtaz| Executive Director, manufacturing| Md. Tahir Siddiqui| Executive Director, Quality| Jamal Ahmed Chowdhury| Executive Director, Finance and Accounting| | | Executive Committee| | Osman Kaiser Chowdhury| Director| Nazmul Hassan MP| MD| Rabbur Reza| Chief Operating officer| Ali Nawaz| Chief financial officer| Afsar Uddin Ahmed| Director, commercial| SITUATION ANALYSIS Situation analysis is a method managers use to analyze both the internal and external environments of an organization in order to understand the firm’s own capabilities, customers and business environment. INTERNAL FACTORS: Refers to the environment inside the organization within which a manager works. LEVELS OF MANAGEMENT: Strategic level: The Board of Directors A S F Rahman Chairman Salman F Rahman Vice Chairman Nazmul Hassan MP Managing Director Iqbal Ahme Director Mohammad Abul Qasem Director Osman Kaiser Chowdhury Director Abu Bakar Siddiqur Rahman Director Advocate Ahsanul Karim Director Dr. You read "Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd" in category "Essay examples" Abdul Alim Khan Independent Director The strategic level must make sure the technical level operates within the bounds of the society. Thus the strategic level determines the long range objectives and directions for the organization- in other words, how the organization interacts with its environment. (Textbook) Technical level: Middle floor managers, Branch Managers, Factory Managers work like a connector and works in the middle. At this level, the managerial task is twofold: 1. Managing the operations functions. 1. Serving as a liaison between those who produce the product or service and those who use output. In other words, for the operations level to do its work, managers at the technical level must make sure they have the correct materials and see that the output gets used or sold. (Textbook) Operational level: Rabbur Reza Chief Operating Officer Ali Nawaz Chief Financial Officer Afsar Uddin Ahmed Director, Commercial Lutfur Rahman Director, Manufacturing Zakaria Seraj Chowdhury Director, International Marketing A R M Zahidur Rahman Executive Director, Production Shamim Momtaz Executive Director, Manufacturing Mohd. Tahir Siddique Executive Director, Quality Jamal Ahmed Choudhury Executive Director, Accounts Finance. In any organisations, the operations level focuses on effectively performing whatever the organization produces or does. In Beximco pharmaceuticals, the operations fuction is at the core of their business. The managerial task here is to develop the best allocation of resources that produces the desired output. (Textbook). Research development RD is the key to success for any pharmaceutical company. We have given it top priority and have made substantial investment in upgrading our generic drug capabilities as we firmly believe RD plays the most important role in spurring innovation and helps a company go up the value chain. Our research and development activities are closely focused on market needs and driven by technological progress in order to create product differentiation. Our team comprising top class formulation scientists with extensive experience of working in leading pharmaceutical companies in the world continuously strives to integrate the advanced technological changes to create competitive edge and match international standards. There has been a series of positive developments in the year and our team successfully introduced 40 new generic formulations in 55 different presentations and expanded our dosage delivery portfolio with technology driven products like prefilled syringes, total parenteral nutrition, dry powder inhalers, etc. Beximco Pharma’s well defined organizational structure, policy guidelines and internal controls ensure efficiency of operations, and compliance with applicable regulations. The Company continuously upgrades these systems in line with the best practices in the industry. Other initiatives to keep our team updated with the recent advances in analytical methodology, platform technology, and regulatory affairs include frequent in-house and overseas workshops and training programs. The benefits we derive as a result of these initiatives will only increase in the coming years. Beximco Pharma’s RD team works meticulously towards creating generic formulations that are comparable to innovators’ formulations. Their dedication can be witnessed in their successful development of challenging formulations such as multi-layer tablets, sustained release formulations, dispersible tablets, melt-in mouth tablets, and chewable vitamins; to name just a few. To add to that, Beximco Pharma was the pioneering local generic company to produce anti-retroviral drugs and to proactively launch CFC–free metered dose inhaler formulation. In addition, we are also developing a number of APIs to ensure availability of raw materials across the range of therapeutic classes. Our capability to produce hi-tech, specialized niche products as well as drug delivery systems has been our core strength to transform BPL into an innovation-driven generic drug company. Human Resource We recognize it is our people’s unwavering values that molded us into who we are today. It is their tireless contributions that have propelled us to greater heights over the years. They are indeed our greatest assets in the way they create meaningful difference. Every product, every experience, and every breakthrough we ever presented for the betterment of human health and well-being have been made possible by our people. We are prouder than ever of the collective intentions and determination we have witnessed time and time again. The shared vision and values, reflected in our leadership and execution, help us attract the very best. Currently, the Company employs almost 2,700 people including around 400 white-collar professionals such as Pharmacists, MBAs, Doctors, Chemists, Engineers, Microbiologists etc. In 2011, we welcomed into the Beximco Pharma family highly experienced expatriates in key positions to deliver a fresh take on strategic direction as we steadily progress towards our aspirations of becoming a global pharmaceutical company. We are strong advocates of the notion that learning never really ends simply with the completion of formal education. One of the best perks of being a part of the Beximco Pharma family is that the people undergo continuous training and development programs to further develop their skills. In 2011 alone, over 30 such workshops and training, covering various departments, were conducted. Within Beximco Pharma, we support employees interested in reaching out to others. In 2011, we launched our very own internal Knowledge Center as a platform for continuous learning and interconnectivity; an initiative that is stills quite a novel concept in Bangladesh. However, we know that competence alone is not enough; it is them intricate threads of connectivity, binding us as one family, which makes our organizational culture truly coveted and one of a kind. We have also undertaken a major corporate branding initiative as a reflection of our rejuvenated drive and aspirations. Financial Position We maintained our record of uninterrupted growth, achieving a 21. 6% increase in sales to Tk. 7,890. 24 million (2010: Tk. 6,490. 85 million). In 2011 we significantly enhanced our prescription share in sales of the formulation products and maintained, as expected, growth in all our key therapeutic segments. Sales of our Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) also recorded a significant 37. % growth to reach Tk. 486. 91 million (2010: Tk. 355. 24 million). However, its impact on the overall profitability of the company is currently low because of a low gross margin predominantly due to the high cost of import of intermediate materials to manufacture t hese APIs. In 2011 export sales grew by 18. 1% to Tk. 390. 32 million (2010: Tk. 330. 54 million). Along with sales growth, Beximco Pharma also achieved a marked growth in profit in 2011. Our pre-tax profit increased 23. 2% to Tk. 1,677. 85 million (2010: Tk. 1,361. 53 million). Gross margin as percentage of sales however, slightly declined to 48% as against 48. 9% for the prior period. This was due principally to depreciation in the value of the Taka against the Dollar and the high level of domestic inflation. However, with our constant drive to contain costs and effective profit optimization strategies, the negative impact of rising cost on profit has been kept to the practicable minimum. The Board of Directors has recommended 21% stock dividend for approval of the shareholders for the year ended 31 December, 2011. Technological Advancement Beximco Pharma has always been a pioneer in adopting innovative technologies. This brings both sophistication and the potential to sustain growth to our business. Over the past couple of years we have made considerable nvestments in facilities and processes to improve productivity, drive growth and achieve excellence in operations. Situated near Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, our manufacturing site extends over an area of 23 acres. The site houses manufacturing facilities for producing various drug formulae in different strengths and delivery systems such as capsules, tablets, intravenous fluids, metered dose inhalers, ophthalmic drops, injectables and nebulizer solutions. The site has its own utility infrastructure to ensure adequate generation and distribution of electricity with an installed capacity of 10 MW, in addition to water purifying and liquid nitrogen generation facilities. The bulk drug unit for producing paracetamol is also located within this site. The Company’s penicillin API and formulation units are situated at Kaliakoir, a few kms from the main site. The company has diversified into innovative delivery systems such as dry powder inhalers, total parenteral nutrition, prefilled syringes and lyophilized products. * Oral Solid Dosage * Metered Dose Inhaler * Intravenous Fluid * Inject able, Ophthalmic and Nebulizer * Liquid, Cream and Ointment Val EXTERNAL FACTORS These are the forces that act on the organization from outside. DIRECT FORCESThese are the forces that have direct and immediate influence on the organization. CUSTOMERS We offer our customers a comprehensive and high-quality product portfolio encompassing all major therapeutic categories, available in various dosage forms including tablets, capsules, syrup, suspension, sterile eye drops, injectables, nasal sprays, creams, ointments, suppositories, IV fluids, metered dose inhalers, dry powder inhalers, prefilled syringes etc. Over the years, we have nurtured and developed a special bondage with the medical community. We stand by healthcare providers and appreciate their valiant services to the community at large. COMPETITOTORS Square Pharma Reneta GlaxoSmith Klein’ ACI Limited Eskayef Bangladesh Limited The ACME Laboratories Limited EDCL Aristropharma Limited Orion Pharmaceuticals limited Indirect Forces * Political Analysis: Political analysis creates a great impact on business growth. The Beximco Pharmaceuticals is an established company, it gets many positive support of Bangladesh government, which enables it to advance its product. In addition it suffers many political unexpected conditions, like- political instability, and high risk investment, high rate of tax, high barriers of rules and regulation and so on. Because of strikes, obstruction and any other political issues, it noses a lot. But now they adopt with rules of exporting, producing, importing and so on. They use BCP (Business Continuation Plan) to fight against any critical political issues. [ Documentary,Newspaper] * Economic Analysis: In economy, the biggest threat for â€Å" Beximco Pharmaceuticals† would be economic recession. During the recession, the Beximco’s growth will be adversely affected. Because of the high interest rate, inflation rate and economic downturn it’s growth is not just affected by the local economy but also in the international economy. * * Social Analysis:†Beximco Pharmaceuticals â€Å" has performed many social activities, to improve the company image. To reach the goal, the group implements the local job creation program as well as health and education program Corporate Social Responsibility: Our vision is to make significant contribution to humanity by improving health. This vision guides our Company’s operations, including its commitment to corporate responsibility. We work together with non-profit organizations who work to improve people’s lives through research, information, and advocacy. As the Company writes its success story as an emerging leader in the pharmaceutical industry, we also realize that responsibility towards all our stakeholders increases in tandem. We remain committed to being a good corporate citizen. Prevention is the best cure and the first step is to create awareness. Every year, we launch campaigns touching on different forms of heath impediments ranging from asthma, diabetes, hypertension and many more. Campaign activities include rallies in addition to organizing and sponsoring scientific seminars and conferences for various associations and societies in medical disciplines. ANNUAL REPORT Culture Culture is a very complex environmental influence, encompassing knowledge, beliefs, values, laws, morals, customs and other habits and capabilities an individual acquires as a member of society. As BEXIMCO is a global MNC, management must adapt its managerial practices to the specific and unique aspects of culture. Most of the time they follow formal ways to control the employees, and get their full potentiality. They also follow the profit oriented by doing more customer service and social responsibilities. SWOT ANALYSIS: Strength: Diversification The strength of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. lies in its diversified products and dosage forms. BPL has been producing solid products like tablets and capsules and liquid products like syrup, suspension and solution, as well as semisolid products like cream and ointment. It is   the pioneer company to manufacture and market nasal sprays, inhalation aerosols and suppositories in Bangladesh. In 2001, Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. stepped into a new path–bringing SmallVolume Parenteral(SVP) or injectable dosage form. Arixon is it’s first small volume injectable product It is a preparation of Ceftriaxone, which is considered as a breakthrough antibiotic in the history of medicine, . In 2002, Arixon is predicted to be one of our leading brands interms of sales revenue. The company has lot of diversified products like, Napa: Neoceptin R: Neofloxin: Tycil : Aristovit M etc. Achivement of National Export Trophy First export market operation with finished pharmaceutical products1994-95 : Achievement of National Export Trophy (Gold) as the first pharmaceutical company of the country. R ; D B P L is a company that is continuously searching for the next treatment advancements. BPL’s portfolio features a range of high-quality, effective products. This product portfolio, combined with the steady stream of promising new products in development, is one of the many reasons BPL is among the nation’s leading pharmaceutical companies. We have introduced 26 new products in 2001. Around 70 new products are in our development pipeline. They will obviously enrich our portfolio to employment of the employees so that they can cope with the rapidly changing business environment. Innovation is a major priority that we want to promote. Accordingly, training programs are regularly undertaken for the staff to seek opportunities for skills improvement. Weakness: Too many departments There are too many departments under the supervision of the gm which can cause low productivity due to large span of supervision. Diseconomy of scale: If the company exceeds the optimum size there would be diseconomies of sale. Availability of substitutes Availability of very close substitute goods. For example: medicine produced by other pharmaceutical companies Opportunities: Adding new products BPL always tried to add new products of different therapeutic classes in its portfolio and these products are highly appreciated by the health professionals. Most important of them are Triocim, Arixon, Prosan, Recox, Atova etc. Introduction of these new products enriched it’s product portfolio and is contributing to enhance it’s sales. Apart from all these, we have intensified and consolidated our marketing efforts another overseas markets, like Myanmar, Kenya, Yemen and Vietnam. To capitalize immense opportunities in these overseas markets, we are bringing in more new and exciting brands in these markets. Last year, BP donated one ‘Medical Information K i o s k’ to the Myanmar Medical Association of Mandalay which gained enormous attention and acceptance in the minds of the medical community of Mayanmar. In Kenya, number of salespeople has been increased to best exploit its huge market potentials. All these efforts are already bringing in desired results. Entering into new horizons and establishing new overseas markets will remain our top most priority in 2002 also. Russia, Ukraine, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Nepal will be on the list. We are confident that our process of globalization will continue with a more and more accelerated speed in the coming days. Technology Technology carries the promise of tomorrow. The benefits of technology belong to all of us benefits that create new opportunities and open doors toa better life. For example, the new inhaler plant of BPL has been design in a way to ensure highest-possible quality at every stage of manufacturing and quality control. World-class facilities are being employed in each and every step including mixing, filling, testing, labeling, batch printing and other procedures to ensure manufacturing of world class products. Threats: Supply cost effective materiaals BPL has a commitment to the society to supply world class Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs). Therefore, BPL is not only engaged in formulations but also in fine chemicals business with a view to supplying cost effective quality materials to other local companies as well as for captive consumption. Competition Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. has been preparing itself for the post-WTO open market competition. It has all the courage to compete with world leaders in pharmaceuticals business when the tariff and non-tariff barriers will be withdrawn The new USFDA standard plant is planned to be operational in early 2003. Once completed, this will be one of the finest facilities available anywhere in the globe. OBJECTIVES Increase rate of purchase by existing customers by 10 percent by the year end. Strategy Such a strategy may involve devising a marketing plan to encourage customers to purchase more of a product. Tactics used to carry out the strategy could include price reductions, advertising stressing the many benefits of the product, packaging the product in different sized packages or making the product available at more locations. Design additional features into product that will induce new uses by existing buyers Strategy This strategy include much more than simply getting the product to the new market. Before considering sales techniques such as packaging and promotion. Company often find they must establish a foothold. MANAGEMENT ISSUES Centralization Centralization refers to the location of decision making authority in the hierarchy of the organization. The upper level managers in the organization make all the significant decision and managers at all levels can command their subordinates to undertake legitimate work related activities. The idea of centralization can be difficult to grasp in a particular organization for several reasons. People in the in an organization can have different decision making authority. Moreover, all decisions are not of equal importance in organization. Thus subjectively they do not have authority but objectively they have authority. Matrix Organization The matrix organization structure attempts to maximize the strengths and minimize the weakness of both functional and product bases. Matrix organization structure achieved the desired balance by superimposing or overlaying a horizontal structure of authority, influence and communication on the vertical structure. Matrix organization facilitates the utilization of highly specialized staff and equipment. CONCLUSION This is Beximco Pharmaceutical’s firm as a whole. I have discussed the mission, executive summary, organizational structure, situation analysis, swot analysis, objectives and management issues of the company. I have also given some important data regarding this company. I hope you can have the clear picture of Beximco Pharmaceuticals company at a glance. APPENDIX Appendix are given after this page How to cite Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Breast Cancer Why Women Should Be Aware Essay Example For Students

Breast Cancer Why Women Should Be Aware Essay In the United States this year 180,200 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, and 43,900 women will die from the disease (Glazer 555). Breast cancer affects more American women than any other type of cancer (All 1). Breast cancer is one of the top three cancers of all women above the age of 15; therefore, women need to commit themselves and watch for signs of cancer, or we will always have a problem with this life-threatening disease. Breast cancer needs to be explained before you can fully understand the disease. Breast cancer is a group of cells that have proliferated outside the framework of the normal growth pattern. Normally, healthy cells interact together in a coordinated fashion t o assemble themselves into tissues and organs. Thought the lifetime of an organism, healthy cells live for a time, die and are replaced by new healthy cells according to instructions from the DNA, which is comprised of thousands of genes and is located in the nucleus of all cells. If the gene or genes responsible for forming particular cells is damaged or faulty in some way, then the incredibly precise process of cell growth and division spins out of control and cancer cells arise instead of healthy ones. As these cells rapidly proliferate, they pay little attention to the healthy cells. In this way the cancer cells form tumors. (Davies 26) Hereditary breast cancer can only account for five percent of breast cancer cases (Glazer 570). Well known risk factors include family history of cancer, DNA, high levels of estrogen, having an abortion, and diet. At the most basic level, scientists agree that breast cancer is a genetic disease. Recently genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 have been thought as a cause of cancer. The genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 have been heavily researched and are now linked with the breast cancer disease. A defect in either the BRCA1 gene or the BRCA2 gene presents the development of breast cancer. Mutations in BRCA1 may account for at least 80 percent of the families with inherited breast cancer (DeFazio 1). According to a study, a woman who receives a mutated BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene has a 56 percent chance of developing breast cancer (571). Stratton (Institute of Cancer Research, UK) described the risk profile of BRCA2 as being similar to the BRCA1 gene. Both the BRCA1 and the BRCA2 genes have more than 100 distinct mutations, with the ratio of breast cancer depending on the site of the mutation (DeFazio 1). Even thorough there are over 100 mutations, the same mutations have been found in different women, but they behave differently depending on the woman (Glazer 572). Hormone imbalance is an important factor in promoting breast cancer. The hormones that promote breast cancer are increased levels of estrogen and progesterone (Davies 29). A 1995 study found that women that had high levels of estrogen or progesterone had a high incidence of breast cancer (Glazer 559). Lesbians and nuns are in the highest risk of getting breast cancer. The cause of this is because they usually never have children and their estrogen levels stay high during their lifetime (Davies 31). Dr. Susan Love, a breast surgeon, has begun a counter campaign to stop doctors giving women hormones after menopause. She is worried that the increase risk of breast cancer is greater than the studies that show the hormones reduce the risk of heart disease (Glazer 559). A study published in June 1997 found that the chance of dying was 37 percent lower among women who did not use hormones. The study also found a 43 percent increase in deaths from breast cancer in women who used hormones for 10 or more years (558). Research so far has also lead to believe that the risk of breast cancer following an abortion is greater than that of women that had never been pregnant at all. A study found that the risk of breast cancer among women who had an abortion was 20 percent greater than those who had gone through their full term pregnancy. The study also found that the risk went to 40 percent for those women that had induced abortions than women who had never .

Friday, November 29, 2019

Brazil Environmental Problems and Solutions Research Paper Example

Brazil: Environmental Problems and Solutions Paper Brazil Environmental Issues The South American country of Brazil is well-known for its biodiversity and wealth of natural resources. The Amazon River and rainforests are located in Brazil, a country with more than 800,000 square miles of coastline, and a landmass so large that its borders touch all but two of its neighboring countries (Rich, 1999). The Amazon rainforests is the worlds largest tropical rainforests, and for purposes of comparison, its size is equivalent to one-half of the entire United States (Rich, 1999). Although the need to protect this unique and valuable environment might seems obvious, the rainforests and its ever have been the victims Of extensive damage due to lack Of resource management, overuse of the land and its resources, and actions taken due to immediate human economic needs. Braziers local environmental problems have become a world concern. These problems are so numerous that it is difficult to focus on only two. A population explosion that creates excessive amounts of waste and garbage and puts heavy demands on the environment, strip and coal mining, emissions control, and species elimination and extinction are major concerns. We will write a custom essay sample on Brazil: Environmental Problems and Solutions specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Brazil: Environmental Problems and Solutions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Brazil: Environmental Problems and Solutions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Two of the most serious problems facing Braziers environment at present, however, are the devastation of the rainforests and water pollution (Rich, 1999). These problems affect not only Brazilian, but the entire world. History and Overview of Braziers Environmental Problems Rich (1999), Musics SAA Paulo correspondent, reports that Braziers environmental problems are almost as old as the country itself, an observation that is confirmed by a recent work of historical fiction, Brazil Red. As Portuguese colonists left their homeland and resettled in Brazil, they cut down vast swaths of forest to clear land and plant the crops they would need o survive in their new land (Rich, 1999). This practice has continued over the years in various incarnations, but as a rate that is unchecked. In the documentary film Carbonizes, filmmakers expose the devastation inflicted on Braziers hardwood forests by peasants who burn down the trees in order to sell charcoal for a living. Carbonations deftly portrays the dilemma that characterizes almost all of Braziers environmental problems; the peasants are not heartless men and women who destroy their environment thoughtlessly. Rather, they are poor people who see no other viable economic alternatives ND who claim that their government does not help them to find any. This same painful dilemma can explain the dynamic that underlies the acts of clear-cutting the Amazon rainforests. Brazil has been able to establish its economic dominance of the South American continent by exploiting its varied natural resources, including medicinal, botanical, nuts, woods, and rubber, that are harvested in the tropical rainforests (Rich, 1 999; Smallwood, 2005). The harvesting of these natural products are essential to Braziers economy, and even though it is obvious that production cannot be sustained at the resent rate, it is difficult to do more than talk about the dangers of exploiting natural resources when no other viable economic stimulants have been identified or promoted. According to Smallwood (2005), a research associate with the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, 9,000 square miles of Braziers rainforests were destroyed in 2004; Rich (1999) supports this by offering a visual metaphor: Every day, the equivalent of more than 5,000 football fields are clear cut in Brazil. Current Concerns and Extent of Damage The practice of clear-cutting the Amazon has numerous consequences. First, t depletes the nations and the worlds biodiversity; on the Meta Atlantic coastline alone, more than 171 animal species were in immediate danger of extinction in 1999 (Rich, 1999). The decrease in the variety and number of flora and fauna creates disruptions in the food chain, restricts our ability to conduct scientific and medical research, and is a process that is absolutely irreversible. Once extinct, a species cannot be restored to our planet. The bare land, of course, creates other problems. Soil erosion and contamination of the water table are some effects (Rich, 1 999) that have erect impacts on humans. This is particularly alarming because Braziers burgeoning population has spread farther and farther into previously uninhabited territories, and clean water is not available in many communities (Rich, 1999). As we all learned in earth science class, an absence of trees negatively impacts natures ability to recycle water effectively. Trees acts as filters and generators; when they are not present, they cannot perform this vital function. The problems that humans have created then generate more problems. Rich (1999) points to the fact that the population incursion into ewe areas and the lack of trees has forced local authorities to construct hydroelectric dams, which have destroyed entire ecosystems, thereby creating additional environmental problems. The effects are not only local, but ripple into other countries as well. Braziers rainforests have been called the lungs of the planet (Rich, 1999). What do we do when our lungs are gone? Predictions Environmental experts generally agree that if Brazil does not restrain its uncontrolled environmental destruction, both the county and the world will suffer devastating consequences. Most experts believe that the damage is irreversible, and it is hard to dispute this claim (Rich, 1999). They also point out that the damage will not be restricted to the physical environment, but will have indelible social impacts, including disease and criminal violence (Rich, 1999). Economic instability will also result. When a country that has been economically dependent upon its natural resources has completely stripped itself of those resources, without hope of their renewal, what alternatives does it have, and which of these alternatives are viable and can be instituted quickly? While some damage that has already been done cannot be remedied, environmentalists do believe that Braziers environmental demise is not inevitable; they can still avert complete destruction. However, they note that action is needed quickly, and that such action will need to be bold, multi- faceted, and implemented with the support and direct involvement of many different levels of society, from the individual to the government. (Cook, 2003, up. 326). Brazil can look within its own borders for inspiration, as well as draw from some innovative initiatives in other countries that enjoy far less economic power than Brazil. Positive Change and Potential Solutions Brazil and the world recognize that the devastation of the rainforests and the resulting contamination of the countrys water supply are of deep and immediate concern and necessitate action. As with so many social problems, though, deciding upon and implementing solutions appears more difficult than continuing on the path of devastation. The reason is that we all live in need of addressing current economic needs, attemptingand often failingto balance those immediate needs against our own future possibilities and sustainability. To address the problem of environmental destruction in Brazil, the Brazilian government and its people would have to offer viable economic alternatives to its citizens and its systems that currently profit from environmental destruction. While Brazil recognizes its problems and challenges, it is justifiably resistant to pressures from external governments, including the United States. Rich (1999) describes the dynamic as one of resentment: how can the united States, which in its own history clear-cut and wasted natural resources in order to reap economic rewards, tell Brazil it needs to fix its problems? Further, what will other governments, such as the US, do to help Brazil address this massive problem? Gabon: A Case Study Brazil can certainly look outside its borders to other countries for inspiration. One of the most encouraging environmental improvement success stories of recent years is that of Gabon, an African nation that has declared ten percent of its land as protected natural parks (Nielsen, 2002). Gabon, which also has one of the worlds most important rainforests, has completely restricted hunting and logging activities in the 13 national parks and, as a result, has not only enjoyed substantial environmental improvements, but a significant increase in tourism, economic support packages by countries such as the US, who announced $75 million in funds to be directed toward the national parks of Gabon, and increased positive press and financial support from such organizations as National Geographic and the United Nations (Nielsen, 2002). The increase in tourism has filled the economic void that the destruction of the rainforests had created. Brazil, which already enjoys a steady flow of tourists, particularly in its urban areas of ROI De Jeanine and SAA Paulo, might infinite from following Gibbons environmentally sustainable and responsible model, shifting an economy based on environmental exploitation to one based on costumers. One of the key factors that made the Gabon program successful, Nielsen (2002) reports is the governments leadership. The president of Gabon took a leading role in spearheading efforts to guide his countrys economy away from environmental exploitation and towards costumers. If Brazil is to be successful in such a transition, government support, and not merely verbal enthusiasm, would be absolutely necessary. The Council on Hemispheric Affairs is not particularly hopeful that the current president, Lull, will guide such a shift, noting that while Lull is verbally supportive of environmental reforms, his administration has little to show in terms of concrete accomplishments in this particular area (Smallwood, 2005). Curtail: Green City Brazil does not actually need to look as far away as Gabon to resolve its environmental crisis. Some local city governments in Brazil have proposed interesting innovations to restrain worsening environmental conditions. One f these towns, Curtail, has gained international exposure and praise for its creative and thoughtful interventions. Curtains mayor has been praised enthusiastically for spearheading efforts to green his city. On an operational level, this meant redesigning the city in such a way that pedestrians had more access than cars, public transportation was a city priority, and recycling was compulsory. The planners of the Curtail project focused on solutions that were relatively simple and cost-effective to implement in the city of 2. 2 million, and it thus makes sense that Curtains program could be replicated in there areas of the country (Wheeler Beatable, 2004). Curtail has since served as a model of environmental stewardship to other cities around the world (Wheeler Beatable, 2004, up. 204). Santos Beach Recovery Program Similarly, The Santos Beach Recovery Program was created to combat water pollution. The goal of the Santos Beach Recovery Program was to eliminate contamination of Santos beaches and rebuild the local tourist economy in two phases over a four year period. The first phase includes rerouting the contaminated water in storm water canals from the ocean and into sewage retirement plants. The second phase involves improving the water quality in storm water canals by identifying and eliminating illegal waste drains (2003, Horizons Solution). Conclusion The environmental problems that currently plague Brazil are serious and are deserving of immediate attention and intervention. It is not likely, however, that critical pressure from other countries will have any appreciable effect in preventing an escalation of the environmental problems that confront Brazil and have consent ounces for that country and the rest of the world. It is clear hat the reason for continued environmental devastation is neither ignorance nor willful disregard for the environment, but immediate and pressing economic need in a country whose population has outstripped its economic capacities. In order to affect a viable solution to the Brazilian crisis, realistic proposals must take into consideration these very real economic needs. The restraint of the environmental crisis in Brazil is not the responsibility of one group alone. Effective intervention strategies must involve partnerships between individual citizens, the countrys government, and non-governmental organizations. Outside advisers, such as those who have been involved in turn-around projects in countries like Gabon, might also be useful allies.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Samuel Adams Radical Puritan essays

Samuel Adams Radical Puritan essays A Book Review of Samuel Adams: Radical Puritan Historians such as Drew McCoy and Joseph Ellis have produced noteworthy studies of the Founders and their impact on the time period of the American Revolution. Fowler's supplement to this blossoming literature is in many ways a traditional biography. It investigates Samuel Adams's life as it unfolded and pays less attention to the larger conceptual issues that commanded the age. No reader can escape this brief biography without a sense of the personal loss that Samuel Adams felt when he witnessed the death of many of his children and his wife. Delivering five children, three deaths among them took a heavy toll on Elizabeth...Elizabeth died on 25 July. (37) Nor will an attentive reader assume that political events unfolded according to some foreseen path. Fowler's achievement here is to bring the reader into the loll of Boston politics, the arena of much of Adams's life. His representation of Adams's Harvard, his outline of the careers and reputations of other notable figures - such as John Hancock and John Adams - and his depiction of Adams's disenchantment with the rise of the Federalists in the 1790s - which included the election in 1796 of his cousin, John, to the Presidency - have particular distinctness. But this book is designed to be more than an abstract biography. Fowler disputes that Adams was in many ways the revolutionary leader most impressed with upholding the mission of the Puritan founders of the Bay colony. "It would be difficult to find among Adams's contemporaries any who matched him in his selfless devotion to public service" Fowler writes. (77) During his discussion of the non importation movement, Fowler emphasizes that the "staunch Puritan Adams urged repeatedly that luxuries and superfluities be eschewed." (94) The difficulty here is that historians remain divided on what the term "Puritan" meant in the eighteenth century. Although Fowl...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Child and Elder Abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Child and Elder Abuse - Essay Example The elders and children comprise the largest percentage of such. In relation to the aforementioned situation, this paper will study some case of elder and child abuse and the effects of which on the victims. Doris Racher entrusted her mother, Eryetha Mayberry, a 96-year old dementia patient; in a nursing home in Oklahoma City. The daughter noticed that some items she bought for her mother were missing. Consequently, she placed a motion activated camera that looked like an alarm clock inside the room of the elderly woman. Nevertheless, instead of capturing the thief, the camera caught the grievous acts of Mrs. Mayberry’s caregivers. One stuffed latex gloves in the mouth of the patient while another scorned and tapped her on the head. Then, lifting the old woman from her wheelchair, they threw her to her bed and eventually, one gave her a number of heavy-handed chest compressions. The patient died soon after (Hoffman, 2013). It has to be noted that the woman was suffering from dementia so that it could perhaps be safely concluded that the abuse may have started early on. However, the woman did not report any of the events because of her mental condition. In addition, with her age, she might not just have been mentally but also physically incapable of reporting her abusers. From the said report, one can easily see that the immediate result of the physical abuse on the elderly is death. Since elders are physically weak, they can easily suffer from any physical abuse inflicted on them. For instance, the heavy-handed chest compressions may have broken some of the old woman’s brittle bones which might have resulted to her death. It might be true that she is already old and her death is just waiting to happen but the fact that she was physical abused is a contributing factor to her death. Other results of elder abuse could be wounds, physical

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Strategic Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Strategic Leadership - Essay Example They have to influence the behavior of other people in order to get things done. The diverse patterns of behavior and actions that leaders exhibit over a period of time and perceived by followers have been identified as the dominant style of leadership. This style is developed utilizing an interplay of factors which shape leadership development. In this regard, this essay is written to meet the following objectives, to wit: (1) to proffer issues pertinent to strategic leadership specifically focusing on the case study entitled Downfall at Xerox; (2) to summarize two scholarly articles from academic journals on the subject of strategic leadership; and (3) to link theoretical frameworks discussed from the articles to practical applications from the Xerox case. Leadership is the process of influencing people to work or act towards the attainment of specifically defined goals (Martires & Fule, 2000, 569). Dess, Lumpkin, & Eisner (2008, 379) state leadership as â€Å"the process of transforming organizations from what they are to what the leader would have them become†. Another meaningful definition is that â€Å"leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal† (Northouse, 2004). Authors Lussier & Achua (2004) define leadership as â€Å"the influencing process of leaders and followers to achieve organizational objectives through changes†. Likewise, Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn (2008, 243) state leadership as â€Å"the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives†. All authors share the same conviction who perceived leadership as a process of influencing others. Further, all authors conform to the following factors as relevant components of the leadership process: (1) influencing people; (2) towards the achievement

Monday, November 18, 2019

Competition And The Pan-Hellenic Identity Between The Greek Poleis Essay

Competition And The Pan-Hellenic Identity Between The Greek Poleis - Essay Example And so as people from elsewhere the world over struggled to consolidate governance under single, unified governments, the Greeks adopted liberalized forms of monarchies, oligarchies, democracies and/or tyrannies, with all systems of governance borrowing heavily from each other. With a background of the Bronze Age that had divided Greece into kingdoms, each with a demarcated territory and own kings claiming to rule under divine authority, the Greek’s Dark Ages destruction of the hitherto existing political order and the devolution of power to minor officials almost on a tribal structure heralded some form of freedom that the Greeks themselves weren’t prepared to give up for whatever reason, thus, the development of the city-states, or the poleis, as a fundamental political unit in the ancient Greek world (Budin 58). So important were the city-states and their newly acquired independence that even though each had independent governance structures, they all struck a workin g relationship that could help them ward off the conquest aspirations of other aggressive neighboring empires.  As the Greeks slowly emerged out of the dark ages, they expanded their world, developing unique versions of communal engagements within their spheres of influence, known as the polis. A polis was generally made up of a major city and the surrounding countryside lands as buffer zones. Typically, the polis was layered into two: the high city [acropolis] built on top of a hill, consisting of marble temples in honor of the different gods and goddesses, and the main city located on the flatter surfaces where market places, public buildings, and people’s homes existed. With populations that were much freer than their predecessors, the triumphs and defeats of the city states was fully the responsibility of the city dwellers, who went ahead to create social identities which differentiated each polis from all others.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Hewlett Packard Case Study

Hewlett Packard Case Study Hewlett-Packard or HP is an American multination information technology corporation that that sells hardware, software and other related business services. The product line of HP includes a wide range such as PCs, servers, software, imagining products and scanners just to name a few. Hewlett-Packard also provides services and consulting business around its products and partner products. In 2013 under Lenovo, Hewlett-Packard was the world’s second biggest PC vendor. But with so many product lines and options for such a big company such as Hewlett-Packard what problem would it run into? This issue is this would cause a high cost of design manufacture, and introduce a new product, feature, or option exceed the additional revenue it is likely to generate. Not to mention this also what costs would be related with too little or too much inventory of such a product. You also want to consider the additional supply chain intricacy along with how does this all effect the customer satisfaction. Kathy Chou who is vice president of Worldwide Commercial Sales, responsible for growing HP’s worldwide commercial business through direct and indirect channels, said â€Å"While revenue grew year over year, our profits were eroded due to unplanned operational cost,† She later stated that â€Å"As product variety grew, our forecasting accuracy suffered, and we ended up with excesses of some products and shortages of others.† Constantly growing product variety would need to meet the increasing customer needs was the mode HP took. The problem at hand is was between marketing and operations. Marketing and sales always wanted more, more SKUs, more features, and more configurations where as supply chain mangers always wanted less, less to forecast, less inventory and less complexity to manage. Analysis and Evaluation Hewlett-Packard has always been within the top 5 of Vendor market share over that last 10 years, as you can see from the chart below of its Global laptop market share by units, percent from 2006-2013. Global laptop market share by units, percent (2006-2013) Rank 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 20131 1 Dell 15.9 HP 18.1 HP 18.2 HP 19.1 HP 17.9 HP 16.6 HP 16.1 Lenovo 16.9 2 HP 15.9 Dell 14.2 Dell 14.1 Acer 12.9 Acer 13.9 Lenovo 12.5 Lenovo 14.9 HP 16.2 3 Acer 7.6 Acer 9.7 Acer 10.6 Dell 12.1 Dell 12.0 Dell 11.7 Dell 10.7 Dell 11.6 4 Lenovo 7.0 Lenovo 7.4 Lenovo 7.5 Lenovo 8.0 Lenovo 10.9 Acer 10.8 Acer 10.2 Acer 8.1 5 Toshiba 3.8 Toshiba 4.0 Toshiba 4.6 Toshiba 5.0 Asus 5.4 Asus 5.7 Asus 6.9 Asus 6.3 Others 49.8 46.5 44.9 42.8 40.0 42.8 41.2 40.8 If HP wanted to stay on top each and every year it would need an answer, a tool, a way to fix all problems at hand and continue to improve each and every year. Recommendations HP wouldn’t be anything if it didn’t innovate and Kathy Chou was fully aware of this. With the rising cost and inefficiency associated with managing millions of products and configurations this problems â€Å"took their toll† she stated which soon she followed with â€Å"and we have no idea how to solve it.† So what would it take to solve these issues? HP would need a tool that would use a procedure or formula for solving a problem. HP combined a team within its company which would consist of HP Business Group, HP labs and HP Strategy Planning and Modeling and also individuals from a handful of consultancies and universities in order to work on the problems. Over the year the team would produced an analytically driven process for evaluating new products, created a tool for prioritizing existing products in a portfolio and developed an algorithm that solves the problem many times fast than previous technologies, which advancing the theory and practice of ne twork optimization. With all the hard work done over the years the team would be reward in 2009 with an Edelman award (worlds leading prize for excellence in operations research practices) in developing what was called a revenue coverage optimization (RCO). This tool would allow HP to offer customers significantly improved service and at the same time save the company tons of money in improved efficiencies. Once this tool was implemented, HP would be improved customer service and saved the company a lot of money. Also this improved efficiency with HP business with their customers. References: Turban, Efraim, and Jay E. Aronson. Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems. 9th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001. Print. Hewlett-Packard (HP). What Is ? Web. 14 Nov. 2014. . Executive Biography. HP. Web. 14 Nov. 2014. . Gartner Says PC Vendors Experienced a Happy Holiday Season with Fourth Quarter Worldwide Shipments Increasing 12 Percent. Gartner Press Release. January 14, 2004. Questions for the Case When offering to many product lines and options that a big company such as HP might face are A high cost of design, manufacture, and introduce a new product, feature, or option exceed the additional revenue it is likely to generate The cost associated with too much or too little inventory for such a product, not to mention additional supply chain complexity, and how does all that impact customer satisfaction. The possible conflict between marketing and operations is that marketing and sales always wanted more, more SKUs, more features, more configurations where as supply chain mangers always wanted less, less to forecast, less inventory and less complexity to manage. HP combined a team within which would consist of HP Business Group, HP labs and HP strategy Planning and Modeling and also individuals from a handful of consultancies and universities. Produced an analytically driven process for evaluating new products Created a tool for prioritizing existing products in a portfolio Developed an algorithm that solves the problem many times fast than previous technologies, which advancing the theory and practice of network optimization. Whatis.com defines algorithm as a procedure or formula for solving a problem. An HP Senior Fellow Robert Tarjan has developed algorithms useful in everything from improving chip design to routing telephone calls, from optimizing deliveries in transportation networks to improving searches of large data sets. A software tool Revenue Coverage Optimization (RCO) was been developed that allowed HP to offer customers significantly improved service and at the same time save the company tons of money in improved efficiencies. This tool in 2009 won the Franz Edelman Award, the worlds leading prize for excellence in operations research practices. Robert Tarjan has received such major national and international awards as the ACM Turing Award, known as the â€Å"Nobel Prize† of computing, the Nevanlinna Prize and most recently, the Blaise Pascal Medal in Mathematics and Computer Science. References: Algorithm. What Is ? Web. 14 Nov. 2014. . Robert Tarjan. HP Labs. Web. 14 Nov. 2014. . The benefits HP gained from implementation of this model over all resulted in improved customer service and saved the company a lot of money. Also this improved efficiency with HP business with their customers.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Michael Kordas defining Success :: essays research papers

Michael Korda's "Defining Success" From reading " Defining Success " by Michael Korda, I agree and also disagree with Michael on his way of defining success. The first indicator of success comes when one is making more than one is spending. There are few things that he has left out on how to becoming a success. The things are if you are from a rich family, how well you are educated and who you know. Of course, if you aim at a dream that is so far beyond your reach then you would bound to fail. I agree with this but it also depends on a person. If that person has a low income then their dreams should not be so far of their reach. But, if that person's dream is so far then sometimes it could inspire them to go for it. If they only have a small dream then it could lead to laziness and they wouldn't want to stress out because of a small outcome on success. Another thing is that if that person is from a rich family then their dreams is most likely beyond their reach. This is because they have capitol and capitol can almost buy dreams. Why have a small dream. Education also plays an important role in success. Not unless they got lucky on becoming a movie star or on a cover of a magazine because they were noticed or spotted by some important person. Without education then you wouldn't have any ideas where to start on how to become successful. Also, you wouldn't have any confidence because you would be afraid and wouldn't know how to face obstacles that might be in the way of your dream. Education would at least give you ideas on where to start and how to prosper. Education makes you a more excellent person. It helps you to socialize better with other people. It takes more than just a common sense. Last thing is that the person you know could make you become successful. It's like connection. If you know an important person such as a movie director, actor, actress or even managers, this person could help in a big way. An important person will know another important person if they can't help. If you become successful by these people then you got the easy way out. It is actually the best way because you got the most support. No matter how big your dream is you can still reach it even though it is Michael Kordas "defining Success" :: essays research papers Michael Korda's "Defining Success" From reading " Defining Success " by Michael Korda, I agree and also disagree with Michael on his way of defining success. The first indicator of success comes when one is making more than one is spending. There are few things that he has left out on how to becoming a success. The things are if you are from a rich family, how well you are educated and who you know. Of course, if you aim at a dream that is so far beyond your reach then you would bound to fail. I agree with this but it also depends on a person. If that person has a low income then their dreams should not be so far of their reach. But, if that person's dream is so far then sometimes it could inspire them to go for it. If they only have a small dream then it could lead to laziness and they wouldn't want to stress out because of a small outcome on success. Another thing is that if that person is from a rich family then their dreams is most likely beyond their reach. This is because they have capitol and capitol can almost buy dreams. Why have a small dream. Education also plays an important role in success. Not unless they got lucky on becoming a movie star or on a cover of a magazine because they were noticed or spotted by some important person. Without education then you wouldn't have any ideas where to start on how to become successful. Also, you wouldn't have any confidence because you would be afraid and wouldn't know how to face obstacles that might be in the way of your dream. Education would at least give you ideas on where to start and how to prosper. Education makes you a more excellent person. It helps you to socialize better with other people. It takes more than just a common sense. Last thing is that the person you know could make you become successful. It's like connection. If you know an important person such as a movie director, actor, actress or even managers, this person could help in a big way. An important person will know another important person if they can't help. If you become successful by these people then you got the easy way out. It is actually the best way because you got the most support. No matter how big your dream is you can still reach it even though it is

Monday, November 11, 2019

Eliezer’s Relationship with God in Night

Hanging On: The Description of Eliezer's Relationship with God in Night World War II breaks out in Europe during the conclusion of the 1930s. Adolph Hitler plunges Germany into darkness while quickly moving to take over bordering countries with his army of Nazis. Eliezer, a boy no more than 15 years old, lives in Hungary, which is dangerously close to Germany. Along with many other Jews, Eliezer is deported from his home and into a world of unimaginable terror. Night is a memoir of those experiences and, more importantly, a stark reminder that these events should never be allowed to repeat themselves.The Holocaust presents one of the most disturbing theological dilemmas of the twentieth century. As a survivor of the Holocaust, Elie Wiesel has to reevaluate God in his world. He does so through his writings, in which he questions God and tells us of the answers, or lack of answers, that he receives. In Night, author Elie Wiesel writes about his devotion as a child, religious observance s, and anger towards God to reveal how he is still a believer in the Jewish faith despite all that happen to him. Auschwitz, Buchenwald, and Treblinka are just a few of the names which evoke nightmares of the Holocaust.The suffering and death at these and other concentration camps were greater than any before endured. Before the Holocaust he had been one of the most devout Jewish children. The Holocaust created a void in the souls of many of those who survived. Elie Wiesel was one of those people. Before the Holocaust he had been one of the most devout Jewish children. Up until the end he waited for God to intervene in Biblical fashion. When that intervention was not forthcoming, he began to doubt in God and in His mercy. He began to accuse God of cruelty against his people.After the torture was over, he had to reevaluate the role of God in his life. He could be forgiving of God and allow Him another chance, as many he had seen had done. Or he could take on the role of God to himsel f and try to define his own destiny. To deal with this, Wiesel has to question God and himself. He does so through his writing. Elie Wiesel tells his heart-wrenching story of his imprisonment in Nazi Germany. He overcame the odds with his strength and will to live. Elie was told by his father to never lose his faith of his religion it would help him through everything, and keep him strong.One should never lose faith or whatever guiding force that may keep them going. This faith was the only force that helped Elie to survive, and without this faith Elie would have surely succumbed to dying. The question now is how far does Elie’s belief in God and in his own faith helps him to go on. He receives many answers, though none are satisfactory. Wiesel thought of God before and during the Holocaust as both the protector and punisher of the Jewish people. Whatever had happened before, he had faith that it was for their good, or one of God's greater plans.Either way, he would accept Go d's will without questioning. When rumors of the Nazis' crimes first reached some of the outlying Jewish towns, like Wiesel's Sighet, no one believed them. The town felt that God was with them and would protect them from anything as horrible as what these rumors suggested. They felt safe and secure in their faith. â€Å"And we, the Jews of Sighet, were waiting for better days, which would not be long in coming now†(17). Others who did not feel guilty believed that God at least had a good reason for punishing the Jews. They thought it must be a test. God is testing us. He wants to find out whether we can dominate our base instincts and kill the Satan within us. We have no right to despair. And if he punishes us relentlessly, it's a sign that he loves us all the more†(53). Faith delayed the revolution that might have erupted in the camps. The younger people felt it would be better to die fighting than to go like lambs to the slaughter. They had knives and a strong will. B ut their elders reminded them, â€Å"You must never lose faith, even when the sword hangs over your head. That's the teaching of our sages†¦ †(40).As long as the elders were willing to accept God's will, the younger people were willing to respect their faith. They still had faith that God had a greater purpose in mind, and though they opposed the idea of suffering, they would suffer with pride that they are part of God's plan. And so Wiesel and his town were indoctrinated without incident into the camps, believing that if their faith endured, they would be saved. Soon the delusions faded and Wiesel began to doubt God. It was not easy for Wiesel to doubt in God, or he would not have held on to his faith with such tenacity.But sooner or later, the seeming meaninglessness of the suffering his people endured had to burst into the consciousness of his seemingly indomitable Jewish faith. In the face of the crematory pit, Elie Wiesel noted, â€Å"For the first time I felt revo lt rise up in me. Why should I bless His name? The Eternal, Lord of the Universe, the All-Powerful and Terrible, was silent. What had I to thank Him for? †(42). He awoke to the idea that he was â€Å"alone-terribly alone in a world without God†¦ †(75). Lack of faith turned quickly to despair. If God wouldn't save His children, who would? No one believed the rumors of peace and safety.In the hospital at Auschwitz, Wiesel met a man consumed with this kind of despair. He said, â€Å"I've got more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He's the only one who's kept his promises, all his promises, to the Jewish people. †(87). All around Wiesel, the number of faithful were dropping. As hard as they tried to hold on, Wiesel's people were finding it hard to believe in God and what He was allowing to happen. Others, like Wiesel, were given the burden of carrying the questions with them, never to be answered. At the hanging of the angel-faced pipel, Wiesel had an answer, when someone asked, † ‘Where is God now? And I heard a voice within me answer him: ‘Where is He? Here He is-He is hanging here on this gallows†¦ ‘ †(72). God died for the child Wiesel then. The destruction of his faith in the God of his childhood was complete. No longer did his name bring cries of praise from Wiesel. God seemed unworthy in the face of His worshipers to accept their worship. Wiesel cannot deny God His due. If anything he can question it and feel angry about it. He can even try to change it, by reevaluating God's role in the world. That is what many of those he encountered did once they got over the initial anger.Any answer cannot come from man, but from God himself. This is what Moshe the Beadle had tried to tell Wiesel when he was a young boy in Sighet, before the terrors of the Holocaust destroyed his life. Moshe said, â€Å"Man raises himself toward God by the questions he asks Him†¦ That is the true dialogue. Man question s God and God answers. But we don't understand His answers. We can't understand them. Because they come from the depths of the soul, and they stay there until death. You will find the true answers, Eliezer, only within yourself! †(15). There can be no end to the questioning, even if there are no answers.In reading the works of Elie Wiesel, I had to ask God some of the same questions that he did. The storm of emotion followed the paths of anger and despair, and finally ended with the acceptance that Elie Wiesel finds. God is not easy to figure out, and he never will be. With all our knowledge, we cannot guess at his reasons for doing anything. I will never stop wondering what happened, and, more importantly, why, but I will sleep quietly, as long as when I wake I watch to see that there is not another Holocaust, and I pray to God that whatever the reasons for the first one, there never will be a second.The Holocaust presented a call to people everywhere to reevaluate the role o f God in their lives. The pain and suffering that we know took place is in dark contrast to what we would have thought possible in the presence of our God, and anyone who comes in contact with these horrors will be forever shaken in his present faith. Some have reacted with anger toward God, others with denial. Still others reacted with mistrust of all that God had meant before. But by asking questions, some have grown to learn that God never did things the way people expect Him to, and that fact becomes the cornerstone of the new start to their theology.God does not answer questions unless they suit His purposes. This is what we have learned from Auschwitz and from the writings of Elie Wiesel. We must continue to ask questions, continue to challenge God, until, one day, He Himself will give us the answers. And until then we should never feel so secure in faith as to think that Auschwitz could never happen again. We must make certain, through our actions, that it will never happen a gain and to never lose the faith that has been devoted to God.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Indigenous animals in the Gulf

Indigenous animals in the Gulf Kinds of indigenous animals in the Gulf The Gulf States have had very depressing consequences as far as the continued existence of the native species is concerned. For instance, in these states, the most common indigenous variety of animals in the gulf is the sea mammals.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Indigenous animals in the Gulf specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The most common indigenous marine mammal is the Dugongs that are always referred to as the sea cows due to their grazing abilities as well as their meek manner of similarities to the farm animals (Al-Maslamani, et al., 2007). Further, the animals share a number of similarities with humans ranging from life expectancy to the height of about 3 meter tall. In addition, there are very clearly comparable hereditary likeness betweens the sea cows and the land mammals. The genetic resemblances in the dugongs to the land mammals are more seeable as compared to ot her marine mammals such as whales and dolphins. However, despite the easy diet on grass, the marine animals also depend on other food types found along the gulf shoreline. The habitats of the indigenous marine animals have been adversely affected by the modern developments along the shoreline (Al-Aarajy, 2011). The Gulf States have continued with their urban expansions along the shoreline, which is the major habitat for the indigenous marine animals. For instance, the continued artificial island developments taking place along the gulf coast. As a result, the existence of the indigenous animals has been adversely affected by pollution arising from the oil spillages as well as uncontrolled hunting of the Dugongs (Al-Aarajy, 2011). As such, the current numbers of these native animals continue to decline with no clear knowledge on the present number and the reproductive tendency. Causes of the extinction of the indigenous animals The development of gas and oil industries along the coas tlines of the gulf countries has had major contribution on the extinction of the indigenous species. For instance, oil refinery as well as other effluents has heavy metals and drilling mud that pose very great threats to the marine creatures (Al-Aarajy, 2011). In addition, these industries discharge very hot water into the sea thereby increasing the temperature of water and thus making life unbearable for the species in the sea. Further, the industries channel their effluent in the sea and this has a negative effect on the existence of the species. As a result, this leads to the destruction of coral reefs and hence making survival unbearable to the species (Al-Aarajy, 2011).Advertising Looking for essay on ecology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The development of agriculture has also caused immense threats to the extinction of the indigenous species. For example, using fertilizers local eutrophication is guaranteed . In addition, saline intrusion and use of insecticides such as DDT pose very great threats to the lives of the species (Dunford et al., 2008). In addition, there has been a great reduction in the number of indigenous species in the gulf countries because of fishing and hunting of these animals. In other words, through fishing there is the decline of the species as well as the degradation of habitats. In addition, the desalination and seawater treatment plants carry with them heavy metals with high temperatures as well as other chemicals that offer very unbearable conditions for survival to the animals (Edwards Richardson, 2004). As such, the numbers of the indigenous animals continue to die due to unfavorable conditions in their habitats. Another cause of the extinction of the indigenous arises from oil pollution. Due to the numerous number of offshore oil together with gas platforms or terminals for large tankers and ships that transport this oil, a huge damage has been done to t he marine habitat. A higher percentage of this oil is transported by ship. As a result, numerous threats are posed to the animals in the sea ranging from the spillage through discharge of dirty ballast waters to tank washing. All these have negative effects on the existence of the organisms because they contain toxic chemicals that are dangerous to their survival. In addition, studies have shown that oil pollution relates to about 0.5-1.51%of total organic carbon and this result in alterations of the populations of the animals (Edwards Richardson, 2004). Further, the development of power generating plants also has adverse impacts on the survival of the animals. In other words, these power plants discharge harmful effluents in the sea and as a result, there is the deposition of acidic solutions to the sea. Consequently, there is the increase in the generation of greenhouse gases and global warming (Edwards Richardson, 2004). All these have adverse impacts on the survival of the sea cows. Moreover, the degradation of reefs because of anchor damages caused by recreation also has deplorable consequences on the existence of the indigenous species. The establishments of shipping ports contribute to land reclamation as well as sedimentation. As a result, there is habitat loss. Actions that should be taken to prevent further loss and increase their numbers To evade extra loss of the indigenous marine animals particularly the dugongs, improving the gulf set of connections of the protected areas along the coast is very significant.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Indigenous animals in the Gulf specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The development has the capability of re-instilling the functionality as well as healthy nature of the indigenous animals’ growth (Edwards Richardson, 2004). On that hand, curbing of the risks that are likely to face the productive habitations is feasible. In addition, cl ose monitoring of the protected areas along the coast is also an effective solution to counteract the current and the probable risks. In other words, coming up with long term perspectives and accepted policy approaches by the Gulf States are key to guarantee economic maintenance as well as natural balance . The approaches can be achieved through coming up with stronger environmental deliberations as well as increasing sharing of data related to the indigenous animals within relative government branches to ensure massive network of diverse schemes. Developing robust as well as resilience roadmap is fundamental in addressing the issues related to understanding the extra shocks and disturbances posed to the ecosystem (Dunford et al., 2008). As a result, there is a reduction of damages to the indigenous animals. In addition, synergistic researches have advocated to the integration of long term as well as the past information about the gulf. Moreover, the establishment of artificial seaw aters in salt of low ecological importance is vital in balancing the degraded coastal systems. To avoid the loss of the numbers, all the schemes should consider assessing the current, existing as well as potential ventures as a unit. Recent studies emphasize on the threat posed by the oil fields as well as gas reserves found in the coastlines on the Gulf States (Burt et al., 2009). In other words, the oil cause reserves lead to coast dredging, infilling as well as conversion of shallow waters into land. As a result, all these factors pose very great threats to lose of habitats as well as the animals as a whole. References Al-Aarajy, M. J. (2011). Some observations on accidental fish mortality in the northwest Arabian Gulf. Marine Mesopotania Special Issue, 16(4), 431–439. Al-Maslamani, I., LeVay, L., Kennedy, H. Jones, D. A. (2007). Feeding ecology of the grooved tiger shrimp Penaeus semisulcatus De Haan Decapada: Penaeidae in inshore waters of Qatar, Arabian Gulf. Marine Bi ology, 150(16), 627–637. Burt, J. A., Bartholomew, A., Bauman, A. Sale, P. (2009). Coral recruitment and early benthic community development on common materials used in the construction of artificial reefs. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 373(23), 72–78.Advertising Looking for essay on ecology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Dunford, R. W., Ginn, T. C. Desvousges, W. H. (2008). The use of habitat equivalency analysis in natural resource damage assessments. Ecological Economics, 48(16), 49–70. Edwards, M. Richardson, A. J. (2004). Impact of climate change on marine pelagic phenology and trophic mismatch. Journal of Nature, 430(11), 881–884.